What is special about DRHAZI?

The DRHAZI hightech natural cosmetic represent an entirely new branch of beauty care. As they’re 100% natural, active agent cosmetics, they are also unique, professional, cellular-level medicosmetics.

They represent a transition between cosmetics and dermatology. Their value is ensured by their precious plant-based ingredients and unique manual manufacturing technology.





Water of life, the Hungarian miracle, deuterium-reduced water

Why shouldn't the solvent in cosmetic formulas be a healing agent at the cellular level?


Dr. Somlyai has been researching for almost 30 years, verified and patented the Hungarian invention that extra increases the effectiveness of cosmetics, deuterium-reduced water, which we can say is the best water for people.


International research in recent years has proven the positive effect of the procedure on the body's resilience, physical performance, and long-term memory. In addition, they showed a correlation between the deuterium content of drinking water and the tendency to depression, and also confirmed its anti-aging effect.

Totarol is a super antioxidant

We avoid chemicals, so we preserve naturally. But how cool is it if the preservative also heals our skin at the cellular level!


Totarol from New Zealand, the 100% beneficial extract of the totara tree. As a super antioxidant, it eliminates environmental stress at the DNA level, as well as harmful substances produced by UV rays, thus protecting cells from degeneration and aging.


Eco-consciously, totarol is isolated from recycled totara wood using a supercritical solvent-free method - an organic process that does not harm the trees.

Bio Liposome

Thanks to a German researcher, we can make the active ingredients more effective by packaging them in a bio liposome, because it envelops the active ingredient with a microscopic, 20-30 nm diameter, sphere-like membrane with two lipid layers (phospholipid layer).

Through it, we can deliver the valuable skin-building substances and vitamins to the cells, and it also helps our body not remove them so quickly, so the effect is much more lasting.

Signal Peptide Therapy

The high-tech cosmetics make them really effective. As the latest achievements of medical biotechnology, signal peptides also give cosmetics professionalism in beauty care. Up to 20 types of mutually supportive signal peptides can be added to a cream or serum to maximize effectiveness.

Bio signal peptides are natural / derived ingredients. Bioetech manufacturers create new molecules based on formulas corresponding to predetermined action mechanisms from plant cell culture, according to pharmaceutical industry quality and scientific rigor. Thanks to them, intensive active ingredient cosmetic formulas were created, which penetrate deep into the skin and inspire the skin to renew itself.

Noble metals in a healthy way in luxury cosmetics

Noble metals have been tried for a long time to be brought into colloidal solution, but most attempts are unsuccessful. True colloidal solutions are colored, from dark eggplant to steel gray. Noble metals are dissolved in atomized form, so they are beneficial and do not pose a danger, like nano and ionized metals.

Because they do not ionize and do not create salts, they create special crystal structures with water.

In their independent effect, they also inspire skin regeneration, metabolism and boost the effectiveness of signal peptides with their enzymatic effect. Skin building and rejuvenation becomes more effective.