Useful information for using our website
On the homepage of our factory you will find complete and comprehensive information on beauty products, natural cosmetics, the products and all the basic substances that we use in our high-tech - using natural cosmetics.
Currently you can choose between more than 80 hightech natural medicosmetics, which you can select in our webshop both by product line and after skin care steps.
Our cosmetics and skin care products are 100% natural, healthy and exceptional quality. Instead, we use valuable natural raw materials with excellent bioavailability. Therefore, our products are suitable for all skin types and are suitable by their pure natural ingredients also for vegetarians and vegans.
Through the selected DRHAZI Natural process® our products are manufactured particularly friendly and sustainable. Unlike manufactured at Industriel cosmetics and toiletries, this may mean that there are some changes in color, smell or consistency of the products. This is a natural process through the use of natural ingredients - opened products should be consumed about three months after opening.
Sustainability, also in product design:
Through our low-oxygen filling and a carefully selected package of conservation effort is kept very low. All contents are filled into pre-sterilized container quality and, thus are DRHAZI products free from germs, chemicals and synthetic preservatives. The "airless system", that is, the separation of packaged goods and ambient air, also ensures a germ-free and oxygen-protected storage - prior to first use it is necessary to pump the care product.
Storage & shelf life:
To ensure the consistency of natural products as well as a good application use, cosmetics and toiletries DRHAZI from excessively high temperatures or cold should be protected. Optimal storage is ensured at a temperature of 15-20 degrees.
Further information:
Inform yourself about the effect instance and preservation of produce, as well as the synthetic active ingredients and toxins in conventional cosmetics here.
Skinidentic composition + Herbal and aromatherapy with a maximum dosage of nano signal peptides.
We apply over 10 different types of intensive, cellular-level signal peptides that allow achieving significant skin structuring, regeneration and healing. Our continuous research is based on applying as many nano peptides as possible in a way that is tolerated by the skin.
- This includes AGELESS BEAUTY and MEN, recommended for 25+ facial rejuvenation
CRSTAL THERAPY CARE – Skinidentical composition + herbal therapy and aromatherapy as well as a maximum dosage of 20 type nano signal peptides + 6 different types of colloidal crystals.
- This includes PERFECT BEAUTY, women’s luxury
- This includes PERFECT MEN, men’s luxury – this features a lighter cream without any oleogel as men’s skin has different needs.
- This includes LUXURY BODY CARE – effective body rejuvenation
- This includes the RAPID ANTI AGE line of intensive, extreme rapid rejuvenating agents.
- This includes CRYSTAL HAIR RENEWAL, our nanopeptide hair growth program.
2. All natural cosmetics have been designed on a 100% natural base - en with supporting the skin's own structure and contain modern high technology active ingredients.
3. On the product range we carry on the full list of the ingredients of the product in a rolling down menu. When you click with the cursor on the active ingredient, you can check its function and effect.
4. On the sheet you have the opportunity with our help to provide and select the most suitable for your skin type, optimum face care together.
5. In addition, you can find beauty care advice for your daily care here.
6. When you have a combination skin type, can assist you in designing an optimal care series grouping facial steps from our high-tech care.
7. Under the menu item ARTICLES you can find a lot of information that can help you to design an even more beautiful complexion.
We are happy to take your constructive advice and entreaties opposed, so that we develop our website further and can satisfy your demands!
The team of DRHAZI